Dental Bonding / Filling Q & A

Discover answers to questions commonly asked about dental bonding/filling.

Can Bonding be Reversed?

Yes. While crowns and veneers both require the removal of some of the natural tooth enamel to provide a comfortable fit, bonding is applied to the tooth surface while leaving the enamel intact. That means patients who want to “upgrade” to a veneer or crown in the future can do so simply by having the bonding material removed and then proceeding with the veneer or crown procedure. How long does cosmetic bonding last? That depends on several factors, including how well the tooth is taken care of and where it’s located in the mouth. Bonding can last for many years with proper care, including regular brushing and flossing and routine trips to the dentist. Although dental bonding material is durable, it’s not as strong as a veneer or crown.