Restorative Dentistry Q & A

What is a Dental Restoration?

A dental restoration is a procedure or device used to restore a tooth that’s been damaged or lost due to decay, disease, or trauma. Today, there are a wide variety of restorations available to address many different issues, so patients can select the option that fits their needs and their budgets.

What Types of Restorations Does DENTAL FIX Offer?

The dentists at DENTAL FIX are skilled in many types of dental restorations to help patients feel more confident and enjoy better oral and overall health. Some of the most popular restorations include:crowns designed to surround the visible portion of the tooth, providing strength and protection while also correcting cosmetic or structural defects like chips, cracks, fissures, and deep staining veneers and laminates that attach securely to the front surfaces of the teeth and can be used to correct an array of cosmetic issues bridges and dentures to replace one or more missing teeth dental implants that use metal posts and crowns to provide a secure, natural-looking solution for missing teeth tooth-colored fillings that use special durable materials that can be tinted and shaped to make a restoration invisible to anyone but a dental professional inlays and Onlays, custom-fit restorations designed to address larger areas of decay and damage compared to a “regular” filling dental bonding which can be a less costly alternative to veneers or crowns and can be used to repair teeth after a chip or other damage as well as to hide deep stains and discolorations.

How Can I Choose Between a Veneer, Crown, or Procedure?

Veneers, crowns, and bonding procedures can all be used to treat similar issues like chips or deep stains, but each offers different advantages and disadvantages. For instance, while bonding can be a cost-effective solution for many patients, it’s not as durable as a crown or a veneer, which means it’s more susceptible to damage and wears. Veneers can be ideal for providing a long-term solution for a cosmetic issue, but they’re not designed to strengthen the tooth structure like a crown. Before any restoration, patients will be provided with information about all their treatment options so they can make the best choice for their needs.