Urgent Care / Dental Emergency Q & A

What Kinds of Issues Require Emergency or Urgent Care?

Dental problems don’t follow a set schedule, and that means they can happen at any time. At DENTAL FIX, we’re skilled in providing urgent and emergency dental care to treat a wide array of issues, including:

  • toothache
  • swollen gums and abscesses
  • chipped, cracked, or fractured (broken) teeth
  • broken or lost restorations including bridges, crowns, veneers, and dentures
  • damaged dental implants
  • broken or lost fillings
  • teeth that have been knocked out
  • loose teeth
  • lacerations or cuts in the soft tissues of the mouth
  • whitish or discolored patches or rough spots, including canker sores that don’t resolve after a week or so
  • pain or loss of movement in the jaws
  • any issue that causes pain, discomfort, or swelling or interferes with the normal function of the teeth or jaws

What are the Main Causes of Dental Emergencies?

The American Dental Association reports sports activities are the leading cause of traumatic injuries to teeth, but many urgent care issues can arise as a result of poor oral hygiene, including not having regular professional cleanings or poor brushing and flossing habits. Chewing on ice or hard candy or using the teeth as tools to open or pry objects can also result in fractures and other issues requiring emergency care. To prevent emergencies, it’s important to wear mouth guards when participating in sports and to have regular checkups to treat early signs of gum disease or decay so teeth stay strong and healthy.

What Should I Do if a Tooth Gets Knocked Out?

A healthy adult tooth that is knocked out can often be replanted, but it’s critical to call the office and get care immediately while the root is still living. Gently rinse any debris from the tooth, and try to replace the tooth in the socket if possible, but do not touch the root which can be easily damaged or infected from germs on your hand. Gently bite on a clean cloth to keep the tooth in place. If the tooth cannot be placed in the socket, it can be placed between the cheek and gum or in a glass of water or milk.